Strategic Audits

Feeling like your museum could use a tune-up? Our audit services are here to help.

Each audit takes 4-6 hours and is designed to give you insights and concrete strategies for improvement.

Internal Communications Audit

Ever feel like everyone’s speaking a different language within your museum? Our Internal Communications Audit will help you decipher the code.

We'll take a deep dive into your communication channels and tools to ensure everyone's on the same page and the messages are crystal clear. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to efficient processes!

Training Needs Assessment

Ready to turn your rockstar team into superstars? Our Training Needs Assessment will pinpoint exactly what they need to shine.

Whether it's brushing up on skills or diving into new areas, we'll identify the training needs to nurture their growth and boost their careers. Get ready to unleash the potential of your museum's talent!

Time Management Audit

Feeling like time's slipping away faster than a runaway exhibit? Our Time Management Audit will help you reclaim those precious minutes.

We'll assess your time allocation and workflow management to unlock efficiency and overcome any bottlenecks standing in your way.

Workload & Project Analysis

Struggling to keep projects on track and workload balanced? Our Project & Workflow Analysis services are here to help!

We'll pinpoint workload imbalances, optimize task distribution, and ensure projects align with your museum's goals.